Last week, I placed my first order with Amazon Prime Pantry. As a bargain shopper (and borderline cheapskate), I’ve been skeptically keeping my distance. But after trying it, I’m pretty impressed and think I’ll try it again from time to time. Here’s what I noticed, what I didn’t like, and what I DID like….
Category: Grow as Homemaker
When Mama Feels Overwhelmed
Lots of things can be overwhelming to us as moms. Things like Messes, attitudes, sickness, a busy schedule, and/or sudden changes in our routines can push us past the norms of stress we’re used to, into a zone where we can feel like we might teeter over the edge into insanity. On this particular day, I…
How We Set Family Goals for the New Year
Each January, no matter which salesman is pitching the perfect system to plan out my whole life, I’m too much of a realist. I can’t buy the hype that, with a little vision-boarding, this will be my “best year ever.” That said, I recognize the basic truth that goals matter. What we focus on matters. Expectations matter. I just…
Why You Should Be Listening to These Podcasts
Why should you listen to podcasts? Because it’s a wonderful way to be encouraged and learn, while you’re doing something else. You can work out, cook dinner, nurse the baby, fold laundry, take a bath, sweep your floor, or tidy your living room… but engage your mind and heart at the same time! So, are you…
5 Practical Postpartum Solutions (make it easier for mom!)
You’ve heard the advice. (heck, I’ve told you to do it!) “Postpartum moms, REST MORE!!” And yet, maybe you wonder… what does that practically look like? Especially when we have other children, and when they’re all/only littles, the advice can seem impractical. “HOW exactly am I supposed to do that?,” you might wonder. Well, look no…
13 Natural Ways Our Family Stays Healthy in Winter
Here are 13 natural ways to stay healthy in wintertime. 🙂 These are simple, easy, FREE ways you can boost your family’s health. Teach our kids (from very young) to cough on the inside of their elbows. Even 2 year olds can learn to do this, rather than into hands or just out into the ether. This lessens the…
Favorite Family Games
As a family, we love playing games together. Good quality games: contribute to a family environment of fun and learning together, make holiday times and extended evenings with other families more fun, give a great opportunity to model appropriate behavior for winning and losing, and allow you to observe your children’s reactions and tendencies to competition,…
Here’s What I Learned Watching My Friend Be “Busy At Home”
Almost 6 years ago, we decided to stay in America, after (almost) 6 years of living abroad. I flew to Istanbul, Turkey (our former home) to sort, sell, and pack our belongings there. While there, I stayed a week in our friends’ home, observing her normal household routines. Mother of four kids (then, ranging from 8 to 20…
Didn’t I Just Clean This Up?
Today I went in to the kitchen and immediately had to stifle a groan. I knew the minute I took a step, the bottom of my feet would be covered in crumbs. My heart felt tired, like “didn’t I JUST clean this up?” “Isn’t this, basically, the exact same mess I’ve cleaned up dozens, hundreds of times before?!”…
Q&A: Getting Stuff Done with Kids Underfoot?
Q&A: My 2 practical questions are: I have a 2.5 yr old and 11 mo old twins….all boys….all active. The twins swarm my 2.5 yr old and it makes him angry, so he shoves / etc. We discipline him for this, but I have a hard time blaming his reaction when they are coming at…