Sometimes I want to be selfish. I like having things go my way. I like being in control and I don’t like it when things happen that are A- outside of my control, or B- directly the opposite of what I would want to happen. Sometimes I want to sit in my room and pout…
Tag: selfishness
Eustace & My Hard, Dragon Heart
One of my favorite passages in C.S. Lewis’ fiction is from his book, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. For background, Eustace is a wretched, spoiled boy who constantly complains and makes life miserable for himself and everyone else. He’s unexpectedly come to Narnia with his cousins Edmund and Lucy. The ship they’re on visits several islands, and…
It’s GOOD When Kids Learn “It’s Not All About Me”
Five-month-old Luke is crawling now… or at least scooting very purposefully. And with every scoot, we get inches closer to a collision with two-year-old Theo’s self-orientation. Theo, our funny, introverted, snuggly, more-than-a-little-bit-opinionated boy has had two and a half years’ “reign” on the throne. By that I mean, more often than not, things go his way. Or he…
5 Ways to Ruin Your Own Mothers’ Day
Wanna know five ways to ruin Mother’s Day for yourself? #1- EXPECT YOUR DAY TO GO WELL IN EVERY WAY. Expect the kids– no matter how young– to be dressed to perfection, on their own, or by someone else, without your help. Expect that you will be waited on, hand and foot. Though more may…
What Plays Loudest in the Soundtrack of Your Mind?
“To glorify someone is to praise, enjoy, and delight in them.” ~Tim Keller This short tweet stopped me in my tracks. It’s not that I hadn’t heard these ideas before, or didn’t know the definition of glorify. But, simply, this little definition provides such a practical litmus test for us as believers. Sometimes “glorify God” can…