We’ve talked about yelling before here. I’ve made it no secret that yelling has been a struggle for me as a mom… but I have also increasingly found self-control and “success” in this area. Perhaps you struggle with yelling… as a wife? as a mom? I don’t know your exact situation… but I want to…
Tag: parenting
Unprepared for Motherhood: Thanks, Feminism!
On a recent post, I received this (wonderfully honest) comment: “I must not be working hard enough, but I don’t remember feeling this same kind of exhaustion before kids. Nobody whines at work and quibbles constantly and interrupts my every task with the frequency of little kids. At work I did what I got a…
A Child Left To Himself
One day last year, I walked into our bathroom and found my 3-year-old, Moses, with his arms awkwardly positioned, slightly up in the air. Upon hearing my footsteps, he dropped his hands. His big, winsome smile didn’t fool me. 🙂 It was clear there was something in one hand he had pulled down and was trying to…
Why Have More Kids?
Recently, on an older post about exhaustion, I received this comment: “I don’t want to offend anyone but why do people keep having more kids if they are already exhausted with the 1 or 2 they do have?” There are so many answers I could give, but for me, it all boils down to this:…
Motherhood Is A Lot (the truth about being mommy)
Want the truth about being “Mommy?” Motherhood is a LOT… a lot of snuggles a lot of example-setting a lot of comforting hurts a lot of analyzing problems a lot of correcting a lot of smiles a lot of sorting-out priorities a lot of seeking wise counsel a lot of spankings a lot of back…
21 Ways to Help Your Family Thrive Through Transition
One of the unique qualities of our family is this: WE’VE DONE TRANSITION. A LOT. In not-quite 14 years of marriage, we’ve lived in 13 primary residences, and in 8 temporary living situations (each 1-2 months). 5 of those residences were overseas, and almost all of those moves were with children. A number of you have asked…
4 Questions to Help You Evaluate Parenting Advice
As parents look to parenting books, methods, advice, and make decisions about how to raise up their children, there are skads of opportunities to encounter really lousy advice. It can be difficult, in this age of TV psychologists and celebrity moms and PhD-toting “experts”, to know what is right.Rather than try to lay out specifics,…
Watching Our Children Leave
This is a guest post, written by my mom, Debbie. As we are currently preparing for a cross-country move, away from my parents, my husband’s mom, & much of our extended family, she had some thoughts she wanted to share. Visit her new website: TheButtonWoman.com. ************************************* Many of my friends and loved ones have commented…
What Is Happening In Your Heart When You Yell?
Last week, I shared how yelling is connected to my stress level, and many of you identified & shared your own struggles. Today I want to dig deeper. A common theme, for me and from you in the comments, was that we tell ourselves lies about the yelling that we do. We lie to minimize the…
Stress, Yelling, and SIN
Unfortunately, this last week in particular, I and my children have seen incontrovertible evidence that (at least for me), stress and yelling seem to have a direct relationship. When stress increases, the volume and frequency of my yelling increases as well. So this weekend, I asked a group of godly women to exhort me in regard…