{This article has been updated from its original publishing in 2008.} There is something that bothers me and seems to get lost in the whole infant feeding/sleeping debates, and even in the debates about certain parenting methods. These debates cloud the real issues at hand regarding child training. And it is possible that those who…
Tag: parenting
Parenting When I Don’t Know What To Do
We all hit those moments. You know the ones. The ones where you have NO idea what you’re supposed to do. Here’s a sampling from my own mom experiences: My oldest, at 2 years old, (who I was convinced was practically perfect in every way) reared back and hit me in the face–hard– in the middle of…
HELP! I Feel Like My Daughter’s In Charge!
This question came in response to my advice about handling tantrums— Q: I have a 3 year old daughter, who I think should just be re-named “stubborn”. I know I am going to have to put my foot down and insist, always, that what I say is followed through with. When my daughter is raging, and…
“My Kids Don’t Listen To Me”
Is this you? Many moms land here from search engine queries that boil down to one thing: their kids don’t listen to them. This mom is weary of fighting what feels like an uphill battle for respect and well-disciplined children, and she’s looking for answers. She has a niggling feeling that things don’t have to be…
25 Things The Bible Says About Parenting
Here are 25 things the Bible says about raising children, discipline, and parenting. The classic parenting verses are here, as well as a few unusual (not-often-quoted) portions that include direction and insight about how God sees children, parenting, and discipline. One of the things I considered as I read through these verses is that a lot of modern controversy centers on…
Is It Possible to Give Calm, Firm Correction?
When our kids disobey us, and especially if they cop an attitude, it’s easy for us to feel out of control… as if we CAN’T harness our own anger amidst such outright defiance. Good desires, like for our children to learn to obey, for them to make wise decisions, for them to respect us as…
10 Bible Truths To Help You Understand Your Child
Parenting can be such a challenge. Sin outside our home… sin inside our hearts… the stresses and strains of life in a family… These things swirl together and threaten to knock us off-kilter. As my husband and I go about life with our seven children (currently, ages 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 2, and 7 months),…
Josh Duggar and the Problem We All Have
Well, so here it is. After Josh Duggar molested a number of girls and got caught a number of times, he went on TV, got himself a wife, and sold purity and courtship and not kissing until marriage. We all watched as his dad gave him a purity talk, which we now know, he did solely for the camera, because he…
What I’m Reading, Thinking, Doing – 7/31/15
WHAT I’M READING: Ten Proposed Commandments for Christian Parenting — #4 is the one that’s most difficult for me. What about you? A Letter to the Sister in Christ Who Aborted Her Child(ren) Can We Kill Human Beings if They Are Not Persons? On Planned Parenthood, Ashley Madison, and Shame— What happens in a culture where sexuality…
It’s GOOD When Kids Learn “It’s Not All About Me”
Five-month-old Luke is crawling now… or at least scooting very purposefully. And with every scoot, we get inches closer to a collision with two-year-old Theo’s self-orientation. Theo, our funny, introverted, snuggly, more-than-a-little-bit-opinionated boy has had two and a half years’ “reign” on the throne. By that I mean, more often than not, things go his way. Or he…