“The mother who takes pains to endow her children with good habits secures for herself smooth and easy days; while she who lets their habits take care of themselves has a weary life of endless friction with the children.” ~Charlotte Mason Dear Mom of young children, Do you realize the incredible power you have…
Tag: mothering
Beware the Mom Idol of Affirmation
“Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her…” In the human heart there is a desire to be blessed, to be loved, and to feel special… As moms, we long for what we do to really MATTER and be NOTICED. Especially in this modern age, moms are desperate for notice….
VIDEO: Mothering is like FOOD, Not Alcohol
SKIP STRAIGHT TO THE VIDEO BY CLICKING HERE: https://youtu.be/J4_MT8P1ZJc When we work hard at mothering, we often come face-to-face with ourselves. We see our fears and our desire to control everything. We see our own anger. Our selfishness, anxieties, and our weakness and frailty all come to the forefront. It’s embarrassing, isn’t it? Too often,…
He’s NOT a “Better Mom” Than You!
It’s a popular thing to say. It sounds self-deprecating and humble and cutesy and modern. “He’s a better mom than I am.” Sometimes it’s accompanied by an explanation, like “my husband: is more organized makes Bento-box lunches plays in the floor with them is less neurotic about cleanliness cleans better is more fun knows more about…
Christians, Cribs, & Co-Sleeping (Is it “Heartless” for a Baby to Sleep in a Separate Bed?)
Let me start out by saying this: I am pretty sure I have done it all. I’ve slept with a baby on my chest or in the crook of my arm– on the first night, in the hospital, in my bed at home after home births, and (accidentally) in a chair when I was trying to stay…
From Grumpy to Grateful: Helping Our Children CHANGE Their Thinking
Is a grumpy child just destined to be grumpy? Since his lip naturally turns downward and his arms easily fold and his body crumples, should we just give in and let him be a grump? Well, no. Just like anything else (how our kids approach their schoolwork, what sort of attitude they bring to family gatherings,…
Q&A: Keeping Children Near Mom?
One mom posed this question after reading my article, A Child Left To Himself. Q: I have two little girls (2.5 and 10 months). I would love to hear how you manage this [keeping kids near you and watching and training them throughout the day] practically and still get things done! When you say they are near are they…
HELP! I Feel Like My Daughter’s In Charge!
This question came in response to my advice about handling tantrums— Q: I have a 3 year old daughter, who I think should just be re-named “stubborn”. I know I am going to have to put my foot down and insist, always, that what I say is followed through with. When my daughter is raging, and…
“My Kids Don’t Listen To Me”
Is this you? Many moms land here from search engine queries that boil down to one thing: their kids don’t listen to them. This mom is weary of fighting what feels like an uphill battle for respect and well-disciplined children, and she’s looking for answers. She has a niggling feeling that things don’t have to be…
29 Honest & Motivating Quotes About Motherhood
IN THE COMMENTS, PLEASE SHARE: Any of these a favorite of yours? Hate any of them? Let me hear from you.