Analogies can be a way for us to understand ideas or experiences better. Here are 3 good analogies I’ve heard used to describe sex, and why I find them helpful: #1- SEX IS LIKE A BLAZING FIRE. The weekend-getaway we do with our 12-year-olds is called “Passport2Purity.” That is the first place I remember hearing…
Tag: intimacy
You’ve already given your best to the kids. all. stinkin. day. long. So what’s left for your husband– this man you pledged your life and love to? Scraps. Can I ask you a personal question? You don’t have to answer me… just answer in your heart: how long has your husband been surviving…
9 Ways to Have a Rotten Sex Life
If you want a guaranteed way to have a miserable sex life with your husband, read on. Seek your own way, only, ever. Make sure the only thing you focus on is how often YOU want sex, how often you DON’T want it, how YOU feel at every given moment, what YOU think your needs are….
Q&A: I’m Nervous. What If the Kids Can *Hear Us* Making Love?
Today’s Q&A is a really practical, common concern for many women: WHAT IF the kids can hear us making love? It’s something almost all couples have to work through. Here’s the question I received: Q: I just read your post about “make love – let him hear you”. In the post you reference letting your husband hear your pleasure…
What the Bible Doesn’t Say About Your Sex Life
Ever wondered if the Bible has something to say about your sex life? It definitely does. And let’s be clear: it’s not simply a list of “thou shalt nots.” Beginning way back in Genesis, we get peeks into various couples’ marriages. Throughout Old Testament stories, we see how one’s choices about sex and marital intimacy affect their entire…
Q&A: What if I Don’t Feel “In the Mood?”
Q: I would like to see practical tips for how to make it a priority and how to feel ‘in the mood’ when I am so tired… A: Well, since you asked a straight question, I’m going to give you a straight answer. 🙂 I think waiting and hoping to feel “in the mood” may be…
Cooking, Sex, and Giving Honest Feedback
Imagine the pressure– (perhaps you feel this pressure over the holidays!?) Christmas dinner will be at your house, and everyone’s looking to you to make it. Only problem is, you cook infrequently, don’t really know your way around the kitchen, and are relying on ingredients you only rarely use or eat. The pressure to produce…
Do Him Good!
{Today’s post is a follow-up from Monday’s– Christian Wife, Let Your Husband Be.— where a reader asked, “Beyond having a joyful attitude towards love making and keeping the home a happy sanctuary for him, what are more specifics things wives can do? I know every husband will have different things that are life-giving to him,…
Make Love: Let Him Hear You
I’m convinced that this one skill can make all the difference in a couple’s sexual relationship. Though it may not come naturally, it’s a game changer when we can learn to do this openly, with a receptive heart, and without shame. Here it is: TALK HONESTLY ABOUT SEX WITHOUT SHAME OR DISCOURAGEMENT. As a wife, it can make…
Fading Beauty, Mom Jeans, & the Realities of Marriage
On a post last year about the growing expectations on young woman to look physically perfect (and increasingly generic), a commenter wrote: Quick thought from a guy – Know what really hurts? When a girl spends a mountain of care and attention trying to win over exciting but unsaved “bad boys”, but then discovers the…