Q: how differently should boys be parented vs how girls are? Examples would be, I know that boys don’t like to sit still. They need to be physical, to run and climb and use up all of their excess energy. What tips could you give a new boy mom as to how to deal with…
Tag: gender & parenting
25 Tips for Moms of Boys
Cranford‘s delightfully absurd Miss Pole (an unmarried elderly woman who had hardly ever talked to a man) said, “My father was a man. I think I understand the sex.” Well, as a mom of 7 boys, 15 years in, I think I actually *do* understand more about raising boys (at least *little* boys) than the average…
He’s NOT a “Better Mom” Than You!
It’s a popular thing to say. It sounds self-deprecating and humble and cutesy and modern. “He’s a better mom than I am.” Sometimes it’s accompanied by an explanation, like “my husband: is more organized makes Bento-box lunches plays in the floor with them is less neurotic about cleanliness cleans better is more fun knows more about…
10 Bible Truths To Help You Understand Your Child
Parenting can be such a challenge. Sin outside our home… sin inside our hearts… the stresses and strains of life in a family… These things swirl together and threaten to knock us off-kilter. As my husband and I go about life with our seven children (currently, ages 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 2, and 7 months),…
August Mailbag: Circumcision? Breastfeeding in Public? When Your Child Says, “I’m Bored?”
TO CIRCUMCISE OR NOT TO CIRCUMCISE? Q: To circumcise or not to circumcise? I’m anxious about the subject and my husband and I disagree. What do you guys do? And what were your reasons? Thanks! First, don’t be anxious (this is a biblical command for believers!) and stop reading nonsense anxiety-giving mom stuff on the…