We’ve got 7 children. 6 of those are boys, but actually, our daughter ended up having the worst traumatic accident we’ve encountered yet (so don’t count out those girls!). We’ve had dozens of ER runs, and dozens more of NEAR-ER runs, where I carefully assessed the damage and ultimately decided to stay home and…
Category: Grow as Homemaker
Why Your Kids Shouldn’t Follow Your Diet Plan
Moms nowadays are obsessed with their bodies. Modern diet trends are all about the extreme. Extreme butt-tightener. Extreme abs. Extreme consumptions of raw food. Extreme protein quantities. Extreme cutting of carbs. Extreme cutting of sugar. But here’s the thing: Extreme rules lead to extreme breaking of rules. And generally, moderation leads to health. And that’s why I won’t…
Q&A: Is Being a Stay-at-Home-Mom BORING?
Q: How do I keep busy at home? I find myself so terribly bored and restless at times. Being a stay at home mom is so boring! What am I supposed to do with my down time? Once chores and homeschooling are done for the day, I literally have no idea how to fill the couple of hours before I need…
21 Ways Our Large Family Saves Money
Discount grocery stores— this is currently my top budget-slicing method. At Costco, one basket costs us about $300-400. At my discount grocery stores last week, I got 3 basketfuls of groceries for just over $150. It takes creativity, and a little more time (we went to 2 stores, 45 minutes away, rather than just 1 store…
Q&A: “Snapshot” of a Typical Day? (for this Mom of 7)
Q: Can you give a snapshot of what a typical day looks like? From getting up to going to bed. Also include ages of your children. A: Kids ages, currently: 13, 11, 9 (our lone daughter), 8, 5, 3, 1 Here’s my typical day: 6:15/6:30- Get up, drink coffee, then go walk/jog for about 45…
Who Gets Your “Best?”
We have a favorite family recipe called “Dutch Puff.” The kids love the way it rises up, especially along the corners, and as it comes out of the oven, they jockey for who will get which portion. Judging by their reactions, there are definitely winners and losers when it comes to who gets which pieces…
Q&A: How Can I Decrease TV-Watching in My Kids?
After last week’s topic (Should Kids’ Screentime Be Unlimited?) a reader asked: Q: how do you let them watch a video/cartoon without the younger (under 2) seeing it or wanting to see it? He’s in the same room or walks by, for example, and now he likes to watch (and asks to) at an even younger…
Here’s Why I Love Our Potty Training Toilet Seat
For many years of my life, I was a slave to potty training with the little kiddy chairs. We’d tote them around the house, dutifully emptying out the little chamber underneath the plastic seat multiple times a day, even for the tiniest drops of pee (for which we’d clapped and cheered, like the good potty-training…
Should Kids’ Screentime Be Unlimited?
Devices are a sticky subject now. 20 years ago it was TV time. No matter what, though, unless you’re Amish, you have to reckon with it. I’ll share what we do- but would love to hear your thoughts. A Yahoo!Parenting article (which — as a sidenote– I think should be retitled more honestly as Yahoo!UNparenting,…
Mama, Do You Flinch?
Fanny Price is one of my favorite characters in Jane Austen’s literature. She discerns the truth about people, and sees them for what they truly are at their core. Their dressing up, fakery, and flattering does not alter her observations about their character and priorities. This quality makes her a tricky person to have around. In…