This question recently came in: I was thinking about what you spoke about [in this podcast episode, called “Lean In & Learn from Other Women”] and the thing that stuck out most to me was how you learn most by living life with others. While I completely agree, I am stuck wondering HOW to make…
Tag: truth
VIDEO: Things People Say to Pregnant Women
People say crazy things to pregnant ladies. But it doesn’t mean we have to take those comments in to the deep places of our heart. We talked about one of those, last week: “Your Daughter Needs a Sister!” (an Acceptable Christian Lie). One commenter shared how the classic comment, “it doesn’t matter what it is…
Here’s Why We Do Hard Things WITH Our Kids
Doing hard things is admired in many circles. Decide to run a marathon, get your MBA, do a DIY remodel of an old house, or move into an RV and traverse America in a year, and people will fawn over it. Sometimes you can even get a reality TV show doing stuff like that. People are,…
The Truth About Jess Connell
So you want to know the truth? Not just the lovely bits, hmmm? Well, I don’t blame you. Here at, I try to share from both my weaknesses and strengths… however, there’s always that niggling sense that other people are better than us, isn’t there? It shows up often in our online interactions, because these…
“Mama, What Does $*@#%! Mean?”
At some point it happens. Maybe you’re watching a movie, or they hear it on the playground, maybe they read it on a sign… heck, I heard one referenced on CNN today… At some point, even in the most protected environment, innocent eyes of our children look to us and ask- “Mama, What Does $*@#%! Mean?” I…
12 Things Every Mommy Needs to Remember (Mom On Purpose, Day 1)
Yesterday we asked: AM I DOING THE MOST ESSENTIAL THING? Thoughts about essentialism and how it squares with my job as a mom have been swirling in my head for weeks. Saturday, it all came to a head when I realized I didn’t have my phone. My hands patted and searched, frenetically panicked like Bilbo Baggins’ hands when…