Is a grumpy child just destined to be grumpy? Since his lip naturally turns downward and his arms easily fold and his body crumples, should we just give in and let him be a grump? Well, no. Just like anything else (how our kids approach their schoolwork, what sort of attitude they bring to family gatherings,…
Tag: Teach them diligently
Is Your Child In Charge of Your Home?
Pandora is something I use almost every day. I’ve got a variety of playlists there, for when we’re feeling silly, worshipful, mellow, dancy, quiet, or happy. I love the control it gives me, to set the tone and go on with the day. I’ve got a question for you: If your life was a Pandora playlist, who’s the one…
Q&A: How Can I Decrease TV-Watching in My Kids?
After last week’s topic (Should Kids’ Screentime Be Unlimited?) a reader asked: Q: how do you let them watch a video/cartoon without the younger (under 2) seeing it or wanting to see it? He’s in the same room or walks by, for example, and now he likes to watch (and asks to) at an even younger…
“Mama, What Does $*@#%! Mean?”
At some point it happens. Maybe you’re watching a movie, or they hear it on the playground, maybe they read it on a sign… heck, I heard one referenced on CNN today… At some point, even in the most protected environment, innocent eyes of our children look to us and ask- “Mama, What Does $*@#%! Mean?” I…
Finally! A Simple, Discussion-Rich Bible Curriculum
I’m so excited about the Bible study curriculum we’re using this year. Well. OK, in order for it to be true, I have to take out a few words from that first sentence. It should read: I’m so excited about the Bible this year. There, that’s better. Because this year, our “curriculum” is very simple. It’s not really a curriculum…