Some time last year, I did a week-long purposeful fast from everything online (except for e-mail), and as I went through the week, I wrote down the things I was noticing. Recently I found that list and thought I’d share it with you. Here’s what I noticed: Almost instantaneously: I’m alone with my thoughts again. I’m able…
Tag: social media
Peopled-Out, by Facebook
As a mom, there is a limited amount of time I have for people outside of our four walls, but Facebook is sneaky. It makes me FEEL like I can commit fully to people both inside, and outside, of our walls. The problem is, after devouring hours of social media each week, I feel “peopled…
Making Family Decisions Amidst Ever-Diminishing Privacy
It was 2006 when I knowingly traded in my perceived freedom of privacy. We were three flights into our four-flight journey. Our two wiggly boys, then 3 and 18 months, rode atop the heap of duffels piled on a baggage cart as I –with half-grown pregnant belly– waddled past the eyes of the watching customs guard. We…
What I’m Reading, Thinking, Doing – 8/14/15
READING: The disappearance of childhood and what we can do to get it back ~ by Jamie @ Simple Homeschool I appreciate this article: Is Self-Promotion Sinful?— it hits at a lot of questions that have nagged at my brain. Authors are in a different place now than in the last hundred years because publishers have…
Navigating the Challenges of Real Life, Online
If you share everything, you’re an exhibitionist. If you share nothing, you’re closed-off and unapproachable. If you share too many good things, you’re fake. If you share too many bad things, you’re a whiner. It’s hard to get the balance right, isn’t it? Online interactions don’t always lend themselves to complete transparency. And even when…
How I Balance Online Transparency and Discretion
For my part, and I haven’t done it perfect, I’ve tried to do what felt most wise and honoring to God, honoring to others, and gave me freedom to care for myself, in each stage of online “life.” Here are three questions/principles I’ve used to think through these things: #1- HOW CAN I PUBLICLY SHARE IN…
Young Woman, I Am So Sorry.
Young woman, I am so sorry. The world you are growing up in WILL, if you let it: strip away your God-given unique beauty (and yes, I am including the freckles, big feet, hook nose, birthmark, broad shoulders, etc… in those words, “unique beauty”). teach you to perpetually alter your posture or camera angle so that anything…