I hate sin. I mean I really hate it. And I wish I could say I hate it for all the reasons God does, but I don’t. I’m not that holy. I definitely hate that it put Jesus on the cross. Honestly, though? I don’t hate it enough for that reason. Because I still do…
Tag: self-discipline
Christian Fasting, for Moms
WHAT IS CHRISTIAN FASTING?Simply put, fasting is choosing (for a set period of time) not to eat food in order to devote yourself more single-mindedly to the pursuit of God through Scripture and prayer. Christian fasting differs from the ritual/scheduled fasting found in other religions, and is not done in order to earn favor. Like…
How I’m Growing in Self-Discipline
I’ve never been a particularly disciplined person. People who know me well, saw my room when I was growing up, or who have ever seen the dishes stacked in my kitchen, are probably snickering right now. In fact, quite the opposite. I typically fly by the seat of my pants, procrastinate, and mostly do what I…