Q: I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on how [Titus 2] plays out practically? I’m in my mid-30’s and Titus 2 mentoring is on my heart, but as a homeschool mom my days are busy, and time is the most difficult hurdle. Also, how would you structure your time together with a younger woman? Do…
Tag: Older women
What Does Titus 2 Mean For Me?
Virtually all Christian women have read Titus 2. But practically speaking, what does it look like? What does it mean for you and me? Last month, we attended a home education conference with keynotes by Dr. Voddie Baucham. During the pastor’s luncheon, he took a few moments to address the “Titus 2 woman.” I want to share some…
Is THIS The Reason You’re Spiritually Stuck?
Are you spiritually “stuck?” Feeling like you have questions but no answers? Stagnant in life but unsure how to start growing again? I was 16 years old when it began. I was a coming-out-of-rebellion teen; she was a young mom (in her 20s) with 3 little ones. In free moments of my busy high school life,…
The Opposite of the Titus 2 Woman
In 2011, I took my first biblical counseling class, and one session focused on the “Anti-Psalm.” The goal was to better understand what a text is saying by carefully thinking through the exact opposite meaning. It can be insightful to see the “opposite” of a text, and gives an excellent way to clarify the actual meaning. I previously did this with Proverbs 31. Let’s…