Get into Scripture more than you are currently doing. Dig more. Study more. Read more. Memorize more! It is the one thing that will always make you wiser, richer, and change you. Let it be what flows from your mouth in counsel & conversation, in good times & bad. Treasure it! Seek to serve and love Doug…
Tag: margin
5 Ways You Need To Be Honest With Yourself
It’s New Year’s Eve– the time for self-evaluation, promises, and resolutions. The problem? Most of those goals go unmet & forgotten. 25% of New Year’s resolutions are abandoned within a WEEK. I’m convinced that a large part of that “failure” rate is that we aren’t honest with ourselves about our real life limitations BEFORE we set…
Are You Doing Too Much?
A few Saturdays ago, I sprained my ankle while coming down our stairs toward the garden. Moving too fast, I misjudged where the sidewalk ended, and the grass deceived me into believing the ground was taller than it was. My ankle rolled. HARD. I *HEARD* cracking noises, y’all. Yikes! But you know what? By Monday morning I…