We typically don’t know when emergencies are going to happen. This means we’re often in high-adrenaline, reactionary mode, when those emergencies come. One way we can make those times *less* stressful is by being prepared in advance, in the ways that ARE possible. Here are 5 ways we can prepare our families for emergency situations: Basic…
Tag: health
13 Natural Ways Our Family Stays Healthy in Winter
Here are 13 natural ways to stay healthy in wintertime. 🙂 These are simple, easy, FREE ways you can boost your family’s health. Teach our kids (from very young) to cough on the inside of their elbows. Even 2 year olds can learn to do this, rather than into hands or just out into the ether. This lessens the…
How & Why I Started Nourishing and Cherishing My Body
This past spring, I knew something had to change. I’m 36 (and– gulp!– I can only say that for another month or so). And I had started noticing my age. It was little things: groaning, with an additional “oof” or “oh!” when I got off the couch hearing clicks in my knees and ankles…
Why Your Kids Shouldn’t Follow Your Diet Plan
Moms nowadays are obsessed with their bodies. Modern diet trends are all about the extreme. Extreme butt-tightener. Extreme abs. Extreme consumptions of raw food. Extreme protein quantities. Extreme cutting of carbs. Extreme cutting of sugar. But here’s the thing: Extreme rules lead to extreme breaking of rules. And generally, moderation leads to health. And that’s why I won’t…
13 Reasons I Don’t Mind Being a Chunky, Happy Mama While Breastfeeding
While breastfeeding, I tend to stay (how should I put this?) plump fluffy voluptuous chunky heavier than I’d prefer curvy rounder-than-while-not-breastfeeding soft Yeah, those adjectives work. You might have other words you’d use. Keep those to yourself, please. 🙂 Basically, I’m not the gal the breastfeeding books all talked about. Nope. I’m the one…
Mama, What Habits and Norms Are You Giving Your Children?
We have a family habit of taking off and dropping our shoes by the back door when we come in. Then, twice a week, one of the little boys has a chore of tidying them all. Looking back, it would have been better for me to teach them all to practice diligence from the beginning, by having…
Here’s Why I Opted Out of the Food Wars
Confession time: I am tired of all the food wars. Tired, tired, tired. When I was growing up, everything was low-fat. Low-fat yogurt, 2% milk, low-fat cheese. Now, apparently, that makes you fat, no joke. This week, it’s “eat no carbs”, next thing I read says ‘trade off only carbs or fats as the fuel for…