It happens in the grocery store aisle, when someone else’s children are behaving better or worse than your own. Or in the church nursery, when your child bites another mom’s toddler, or vice versa. Or at the park, when, after being called, your child (or hers) runs in the opposite direction. But where it’s really…
Tag: Comparison
Convictions & Choices, part 1: Don’t Do It Because “They” Do
We recently talked about not doing something “just to prove them wrong.” Today I want to talk about the flip side: Don’t embrace a conviction just because others do. Just as the world often goes along with lifestyle decisions because of the people around them, Christians sometimes take on the convictions of others around us without…
Don’t Do It To Prove Them Wrong
Over the years, I’ve heard something offered occasionally that I think is a terrible motivation for living life and making choices for yourself or your family, and it is this: “You get out there and show ’em. Do it well and prove them wrong.” It can play out in a wide variety of ways in our…
7 Ways to Stop Being a “Mommy Martyr”
In Part 1, we asked the question- “Are You A ‘Mommy Martyr?’” That article gives a fleshing out of what it looks like to take on the identity of a ‘mommy martyr’ as well as some of the ways it affects our lives. Today (in Part 2), I want to look at 7 ways we…
Are You a “Mommy Martyr?”
What is a “mommy martyr?” This mom: steps up to “do it all,” taking on more than she can cheerfully do, then feels bitterness and frustration doesn’t ask (but still expects) others to help may keep an internal “list” of all the things she does that no one else appreciates magnifies her own responsibilities, contributions, and burdens, and…
Have you ever caught yourself listening to a sermon on someone else’s behalf? What I mean by that is, are you mentally internally saddened because, “so-and-so SURE COULD BENEFIT from hearing this,” but she isn’t there? Or perhaps you’re cheering the pastor on because you think, “Boy, I hope that couple across the aisle is paying…
Home Decor & Trendiness: Who Makes the Rules You Live By?
Last week, I came across an article entitled, “15 Things You Should Never Ever Have in Your Home After Age 30.” The post gave a list of “don’ts” and offered this sage advice: “You’re an adult now and it’s time to decorate like one.” In case you didn’t click on the link, let me catch you up…
Romance is Unique, Not Universal
Have you heard the message? Every Valentine’s Day, our culture screams that romance is: teddy bears chocolates a pink-and-red-and-white card flowers a date night written on a particular calendar square Not that there’s anything wrong with any of these, but it does make me wonder. How many women and men are being held hostage to a…
Mounting Pressure for “Mommy Makeovers”
My blood began boiling over this issue a few years ago, when the (supposedly) “safe for the whole family” Christian radio station in my area began advertising “Mommy Makeovers” throughout the day, every day. The ad went something like this: “Sick of your post-baby flabby midsection? Ready to treat yourself and your body to some…
Content With Little, Content With Much
When we moved overseas in 2006, we sold or gave away virtually everything we owned. Personal items, baby books, and a few items we couldn’t sell and really liked went to my parents’ garage. Everything else? (Imagine me snapping.) Gone, just like that. We moved to a somewhat-grimy, moldy-bathroomed, garishly-embroidered-floral-couched apartment in the middle of nowhere…