I don’t know where to start, because my thoughts are all so fresh on this one, and each one feels so delicate and raw. On Saturday, we were sledding with good friends, and had been for hours, when it all came to a halt. I’m typing this late on Tuesday, our fourth night in the hospital. I’ll start here….
Tag: children
25 Things The Bible Says About Parenting
Here are 25 things the Bible says about raising children, discipline, and parenting. The classic parenting verses are here, as well as a few unusual (not-often-quoted) portions that include direction and insight about how God sees children, parenting, and discipline. One of the things I considered as I read through these verses is that a lot of modern controversy centers on…
10 Bible Truths To Help You Understand Your Child
Parenting can be such a challenge. Sin outside our home… sin inside our hearts… the stresses and strains of life in a family… These things swirl together and threaten to knock us off-kilter. As my husband and I go about life with our seven children (currently, ages 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 2, and 7 months),…
Mama, What Habits and Norms Are You Giving Your Children?
We have a family habit of taking off and dropping our shoes by the back door when we come in. Then, twice a week, one of the little boys has a chore of tidying them all. Looking back, it would have been better for me to teach them all to practice diligence from the beginning, by having…
37 Encouraging Quotes for the Homeschooling Mother
Before we jump in, let me say: if you are not a homeschooler, this list is not meant for you. Please don’t read these– intended to *encourage* one group– and take it as if intended for you. It is not. Just as words intended to motivate a woman to continue breastfeeding might unintentionally offend those who…
Mama, Are You Thinking Ahead?
One major struggle of women who have a hard time transitioning to the “empty nest” time seems to be that they never really thought their kids would be gone. They didn’t really think of their kids as future adults. Parenting wasn’t thought about in terms of raising MEN and WOMEN. It was just “my baby”, “my little…
When Your Kids Need You To Be Stubborn
We all start out with high hopes for our children. But over time, as moms, we get worn down. The years… the fussing… the hormones… the reality of daily life with sinners– it all swirls together and we find ourselves in a mental “place” we could not have foreseen when we stared down at our…
Are You Letting Your Kids Walk All Over You?
I sometimes hear moms almost bragging about it… “it’s been ages since I’ve used the restroom alone.” “She’s persnickety & suddenly won’t eat anything I make!!” As if being a Mommy Martyr makes you a good mommy. There is a HUGE difference between what the average mom puts up with today, and what would have been allowed…
Do Your Kids Recognize Your Authority?
Elizabeth Krueger, mother of 10, and author of Raising Godly Tomatoes, is also a horse owner. She recently shared some great thoughts about training horses to recognize a rightful authority and how it can be similar with children. I thought Elizabeth’s observations were extremely insightful and she graciously agreed to let me share them here:…
Why Your Kids’ Appetites Matter
Parents instill appetites in their children. We know it’s generally true with foods. I didn’t grow up eating: Russian goulash Thai peanut chicken over a bed of sprouts & star fruit for dessert Ethiopian injera I did grow up eating: pancakes tacos spaghetti Even as an adult, while I might occasionally try something new, or discover…