{Today’s post is a follow-up from Monday’s– Christian Wife, Let Your Husband Be.— where a reader asked, “Beyond having a joyful attitude towards love making and keeping the home a happy sanctuary for him, what are more specifics things wives can do? I know every husband will have different things that are life-giving to him,…
Christian Wife, Let Your Husband Be.
Christian wife, could I have permission to speak into that place where your disappointment resides? The portion of your mind where reality shows up and shows that he isn’t, in fact, the perfect guy you may have thought he was in your early months together? The place where you are tempted to keep an opposite-of-1-Corinthians-13…
Video: Floor Play Ideas With Your Preschooler
Here’s a 4-minute video I made with my 3- and 5-year-olds to share some ideas of specific ways to get down in the floor and play with your preschoolers. IN THE COMMENTS, SHARE: Do you do wrestling play like this with your little people? Any other ideas along these lines that you’d like to share?
12 Ways I Aim for Homeschooling Excellence with a Large Family
Q: I would love to know some things that have helped you how to simplify homeschooling in order to do things WELL. Everyday life with a large family (I have 5 kids under 10) in itself makes just the basics challenging some days!!! I would love to know some ways to maintain a certain level despite all…
What Age Do We Start Teaching Them to Obey?
It’s hard to discern sometimes, isn’t it? Especially the first time we face these things as a mom! Did he really hear me? Does she really understand what I’m asking? How can I know what I should/shouldn’t expect. When do our children know enough to start obeying us? For us, obedience starts long before they’re speaking, and…
Video: Motherhood is Noisy
Here’s a 3-minute video I made, smack-dab in the middle of my real life, to talk about the noise and chaos of real-life motherhood. IN THE COMMENTS, PLEASE SHARE: Has motherhood been more, or less, noisy and chaotic, than you expected?
Did You Know February is Homeschool Burnout Month?
Are you exhausted? Feeling like it’s just too hard to keep going with your homeschool plans? Ready to throw in the towel? Be encouraged, mama! February is a really, really common exhaustion point. Last month was the beginning of my 10th year of homeschooling. Back in the beginning of my homeschooling years, I lived overseas and didn’t have real-life examples…
“If You Have Enough Faith…”
I’m guessing, as a mom, you’re pouring your heart and soul into this child or these children that God has given you, yes? And that you’d love for them to turn out ok? Or even amazing? Sometimes people (even pastors) say things like, “just have faith” and “you’ve just gotta believe” and “claim it in…
Words, and Why I Write Them (and an announcement)
Well. I’ve been quiet for a couple weeks. And the truth is, I have things to say. I’ve got more to say than I’ve been letting on, and I’ve been listening too much to the gurus who give tips on how to write clickable headlines and how to curate your own message and why to…
You know, I had plans for January. I’d pre-written enough blogposts to get me through January (and then some)… and (in my plan) that was going to give me the ability to use all my normal bits-and-pieces of writing time, plus the 10 days off school at the front of January, to write some novellas…