I’m convinced that this one skill can make all the difference in a couple’s sexual relationship. Though it may not come naturally, it’s a game changer when we can learn to do this openly, with a receptive heart, and without shame. Here it is: TALK HONESTLY ABOUT SEX WITHOUT SHAME OR DISCOURAGEMENT. As a wife, it can make…
Category: Grow as Wife
READER QUESTION: What To Do About My Device-Addicted Husband?
A reader asks: Q: Jess, what about when my husband is glued to his phone/laptop/ research for work constantly? Even when we eat meals together his smartphone is nearby in case any notifications pop up. He keeps music/talk shows playing in his headphones continually and actually does close to nothing around the house (with the exception…
How I’m Fighting Mindless Eating & Distractedness
It’s gone on long enough. MINDLESS EATING Somewhere along the way of adult womanhood, I got the sense that I deserved treats just for making it to the end of the day. Or, even to 3pm. Pistachio gelato, a bowl of cheerios, a handful of dried-out-after-dinner plain pasta, a few slices of smoked gouda with…
Peace on Earth, Peace in My Controlling Heart
The angels announced the coming of Christ to the shepherds: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased!” Christmas lyrics echo the cry of the angels: In despair, I bowed my head; “There is no peace on earth,” I said; “For hate is strong, And mocks the…
What Keeps Moms From Getting Enough Rest?
I recently asked over 1,000 women: “What things keep you from getting the soul and body rest you know you need?” Here’s a selection of the answers: Laundry, dirty bottles, teething babies and an injured hubby. 🙂 I constantly put high expectations on myself and convince myself that I can do all things. It’s a battleground…
Home Is Wherever I’m With You
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros have the cutest, hippy-dippy love song. It’s my most recent favorite song to capture some of the way I feel about Doug: Oh, it gets some things wrong. Don’t go looking for perfect expressions of truth among imperfect humans. Every human offering gets some things wrong. And yes, it’s…
13 Reasons I Don’t Mind Being a Chunky, Happy Mama While Breastfeeding
While breastfeeding, I tend to stay (how should I put this?) plump fluffy voluptuous chunky heavier than I’d prefer curvy rounder-than-while-not-breastfeeding soft Yeah, those adjectives work. You might have other words you’d use. Keep those to yourself, please. 🙂 Basically, I’m not the gal the breastfeeding books all talked about. Nope. I’m the one…
How Ya Doin, Mama? (Really?)
Hey there, mom in the thick of raising your kids, or mom of 3 little ones, or newly postpartum mom, or homeschooling mom, or tired mom who has been dealing with a sick little person for far too long, or mom helping your aging parent, or single mom carrying the whole load yourself, or nomadic…
What I’m Reading, Thinking, Doing – 7/31/15
WHAT I’M READING: Ten Proposed Commandments for Christian Parenting — #4 is the one that’s most difficult for me. What about you? A Letter to the Sister in Christ Who Aborted Her Child(ren) Can We Kill Human Beings if They Are Not Persons? On Planned Parenthood, Ashley Madison, and Shame— What happens in a culture where sexuality…
It Takes Courage to Submit
“It takes incredible amount of courage and strength to go against the grain of what people want you to be.” ~Janet Mock, trans advocate, in a documentary about Bruce Jenner’s recent ESPN award No it doesn’t. It doesn’t take strength at all to go your own way. That is what comes naturally. This is the human…