In parenting, not everything can be in bold print. We can’t emphasize EVERYTHING and have our children “get it” all. We just can’t. IF YOU’VE EVER SEEN SOMEONE WHO TYPES EVERY MESSAGE ON FACEBOOK IN ALL CAPS, you know it’s true. After a few sentences, your eyes glaze over. It’s too much to take in. It’s…
Category: Grow as Homemaker
What Does Titus 2 Mean For Me?
Virtually all Christian women have read Titus 2. But practically speaking, what does it look like? What does it mean for you and me? Last month, we attended a home education conference with keynotes by Dr. Voddie Baucham. During the pastor’s luncheon, he took a few moments to address the “Titus 2 woman.” I want to share some…
Putting Essentialism Into Practice (Mom On Purpose, Day 2)
First I asked myself, What is the most essential thing for me to be doing right now? Then I reminded myself of the reasons why I want to DO those essential things. I’m not under the illusions that mere DOING is going to change my heart, my home, or my family. So I wanted to remind…
The Question Every Mom Needs To Ask Herself
How you answer this question affects everything. It’s a game-changer. It’ll make or break the way your day goes. But perhaps even more importantly, it’ll affect the way you THINK AND FEEL about how your day goes. ESSENTIALISM, FOR MOMS I’ve been listening to the book, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, by Greg McKeown….
Q&A: Staying Steady Through Transition
In the recent Reader Survey, this question came through. It’s one I get asked from time to time, given our history of having lived abroad, in 14 different homes in 14 years of marriage, and doing all of that as a young, growing family: Q: You have been in various states of transition over the past…
Is THIS The Reason You’re Spiritually Stuck?
Are you spiritually “stuck?” Feeling like you have questions but no answers? Stagnant in life but unsure how to start growing again? I was 16 years old when it began. I was a coming-out-of-rebellion teen; she was a young mom (in her 20s) with 3 little ones. In free moments of my busy high school life,…
How Embracing “Good Enough” Can Help You Be a Better Mom
Wanna know what my kids have for lunch these days? It’s pretty much the same thing every day: homemade lunchables. Thin deli-sliced ham or turkey, and cheese, with Ritz. Sometimes I have fresh fruit on hand to go with it. Other times, it’s canned fruit, nuts, or packaged cookies. It’s not in cute Bento boxes. It doesn’t…
56 Ways the Bible Describes Women
Ever wondered– What does the Bible say about women? I thought it would be helpful for us to see how women are described in the Bible, positively and negatively, as we strive to be godly women. This is a fairly exhaustive study of the word “woman” in the Bible, with all of its uses and descriptions (from…
The Opposite of the Titus 2 Woman
In 2011, I took my first biblical counseling class, and one session focused on the “Anti-Psalm.” The goal was to better understand what a text is saying by carefully thinking through the exact opposite meaning. It can be insightful to see the “opposite” of a text, and gives an excellent way to clarify the actual meaning. I previously did this with Proverbs 31. Let’s…
Do You Multi-Task on Purpose?
We women tend to be multi-taskers. We try to squeeze as much as we can into a given moment. On any given day, a mom can be seen: carrying the groceries in (loaded down like a donkey), calling instructions to the kids over our shoulder, using the tiniest sliver of our index finger (otherwise weighed…