Happy New Year! Today, let me share with you some of my favorite easy-peasy meals for the hard days. These are the things I make when I want to pull out the paper plates, or use as few bowls/pots as possible. For days like… today. 🙂 When we’ve been going-going-going and I just want something easy and…
Category: Grow as Homemaker
Peace on Earth, Peace in My Controlling Heart
The angels announced the coming of Christ to the shepherds: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased!” Christmas lyrics echo the cry of the angels: In despair, I bowed my head; “There is no peace on earth,” I said; “For hate is strong, And mocks the…
Unlearning Procrastination
So my whole life I’ve been a risk-assessing procrastinator. By that I mean, I don’t utterly and completely procrastinate. Procrastination is typically thought of as simply “putting off” and that’s not the whole picture of what I do. No, I *assess* the risk, first… How bad is the job gonna be? Is there any way to…
You CAN Make Your Own Baby Food
Hi there. I bet if you’re reading this, you’re a happy mama with a cute baby you love… I can relate to that. Luke Ebenezer (A.K.A. Lukearoni, Lukey, cutest-baby-in-the-whole-wide-world) is our 7th baby, and like I’ve done for all 6 babies before him, once he was ready to start eating solids, I started making the food…
9 couches.
The other day, we got a new couch. It’s the biggest one we’ve ever had, and meets my one requirement for a couch. A Connell couch needs to: comfortably hold our whole family so we can all snuggle up for a movie or a read-aloud when we want to. This used to be easy to…
7 Instances When Moms Wait Too Long
It seems universally true that humans are prone to wait too long to do things we should be proactive about. For me right now, I’m realizing I need to work harder to help my nearly-3-year-old be self-controlled when things don’t go his way. I’m apt to let him go too far down the self-pitying, emotional, tears-down-cheeks train track….
Mama, What Habits and Norms Are You Giving Your Children?
We have a family habit of taking off and dropping our shoes by the back door when we come in. Then, twice a week, one of the little boys has a chore of tidying them all. Looking back, it would have been better for me to teach them all to practice diligence from the beginning, by having…
What I’m Reading, Thinking, Doing – 7/25/15
Done this last month: Culled our library, pulling out books for a garage sale, and for some upcoming giveaways. Worked with a young friend to clean out and organize my craft closet. Finished a writing job. I’m so thankful to be able to work on Bible studies as a side job for extra income. Did a week-long…
Where Are the Titus 2 Women?
“Older women are to be reverent in their behavior, not slanderers, not addicted to much wine. They are to teach what is good, so they may encourage the young women to love their husbands and to love their children, to be self-controlled, pure, homemakers, kind, and submissive to their husbands, so that God’s message…
When You Can’t Do It All: Mom on Purpose, Day 3
(Though these “Mom on Purpose” posts are being published over time, they were written days in a row.) First, I asked myself the main question of essentialism. Two days ago, I got clear on the principles of what’s essential for me right now. And then yesterday I put essentialism into practice. Today was a tougher day than…