Sometimes we can feel like it’s wrong to ask, “why, God?” When hard times come, it’s often a natural question of our hearts… but I don’t think it’s a wrong question. The only concern I have is that I think we don’t ask it soon enough. I want to encourage you to ask it now….
Category: Grow as a Woman
Mama, Do You Flinch?
Fanny Price is one of my favorite characters in Jane Austen’s literature. She discerns the truth about people, and sees them for what they truly are at their core. Their dressing up, fakery, and flattering does not alter her observations about their character and priorities. This quality makes her a tricky person to have around. In…
“If You Have Enough Faith…”
I’m guessing, as a mom, you’re pouring your heart and soul into this child or these children that God has given you, yes? And that you’d love for them to turn out ok? Or even amazing? Sometimes people (even pastors) say things like, “just have faith” and “you’ve just gotta believe” and “claim it in…
The Elusive Titus 2 Woman
Virtually everywhere we have lived, I’ve heard it– younger women lamenting the lack of wise women who can give them solid biblical teaching, & biblical encouragement. Titus 2 describes an older woman who is: reverent in behavior (appropriate, respectful, respectable, godly) not slanderers (gossipy) not slaves to too much wine (drunks) able to train/teach younger…
How I’m Fighting Mindless Eating & Distractedness
It’s gone on long enough. MINDLESS EATING Somewhere along the way of adult womanhood, I got the sense that I deserved treats just for making it to the end of the day. Or, even to 3pm. Pistachio gelato, a bowl of cheerios, a handful of dried-out-after-dinner plain pasta, a few slices of smoked gouda with…
Unlearning Procrastination
So my whole life I’ve been a risk-assessing procrastinator. By that I mean, I don’t utterly and completely procrastinate. Procrastination is typically thought of as simply “putting off” and that’s not the whole picture of what I do. No, I *assess* the risk, first… How bad is the job gonna be? Is there any way to…
6 TIPS for Choosing TOYS THAT LAST
As a mom of seven kids, you might imagine that I have some strong opinions about what makes a good toy. You’d be right. In fact, let’s just call them my personal rules for choosing toys that stand the test of time. As a family one of our guiding principles is to be good stewards of…
A Christmas Printable, for Holiday Sanity
This poem, Do the Next Thing, is a long-time favorite of mine. During holidays and stressful moments, I refer to it even more often. My hope for you is that this simple printable image– hung on your refrigerator, taped above your busy kitchen counter, or framed on a shelf– can make your coming Christmas season “doings” a…
What Keeps Moms From Getting Enough Rest?
I recently asked over 1,000 women: “What things keep you from getting the soul and body rest you know you need?” Here’s a selection of the answers: Laundry, dirty bottles, teething babies and an injured hubby. 🙂 I constantly put high expectations on myself and convince myself that I can do all things. It’s a battleground…
Motherhood Means Teaching Them All Day Long
Earlier today, my sweet 5-year-old Moses asked me: “Remember when we goed to the store?” Me: “When we WENT to the store?” “Went!” “Yes I remember…” Then this just happened: “I writed my name….” Me: “I WROTE my name.” “Wrote my name.” and I realized– when I started out, I didn’t know how constant this mothering job…