In the recent Reader Survey, this question came through. It’s one I get asked from time to time, given our history of having lived abroad, in 14 different homes in 14 years of marriage, and doing all of that as a young, growing family: Q: You have been in various states of transition over the past…
Search Results for: transition
21 Ways to Help Your Family Thrive Through Transition
One of the unique qualities of our family is this: WE’VE DONE TRANSITION. A LOT. In not-quite 14 years of marriage, we’ve lived in 13 primary residences, and in 8 temporary living situations (each 1-2 months). 5 of those residences were overseas, and almost all of those moves were with children. A number of you have asked…
FIVE VLOG Episodes: Check ‘Em Out!
So, if you haven’t heard yet, I’ve started a new vlog. We got kunekune piglets, and then had baby chicks, and we’ve got toddlers-preteens-roosters-chores-birthdays-almostadultkids… and more. And I want to get better at video editing, so I decided to dive right into this whole vlogging thing. Here are the first FIVE episodes: EPISODE ONE: An…
Q&A: Obedience & The Heart: Which “Christian” Advice Is Right?
Q: what happens when I honestly want to learn how to make my 2- and 4-year-olds obey? How do I know what’s realistic…when every book and every parents gives opposite, yet “biblical” advice on the subject? What happens when I’m at the end of my rope over tantrums from the younger one like I never faced…
God’s Kindness in a Year of Survival Mode
Throughout my life, I’ve experienced God’s kindness. Parents– I was raised by a dad and mom who knew God and taught me about Him, did the best they could with what they had, loved me well, and entrusted me to the big God that they themselves trusted. Teaching– teachers and professors who taught me to…
March 2017 Round-Up: Podcasts & Posts
WHOA, we’ve reached the end of March, and I have a four-month-old cutie. How did that happen? Have you heard about this excellent book? If not, and you want to read a surprisingly-prescient call to purposeful family life, written by a Christian couple in the 1950s, GET THIS BOOK. The Mom On Purpose podcast is going strong, and…
Productive Free Time (aka: Older Kids’ “Naptime”)
Last time, we talked about the importance of naps. But at some point (which, as I mentioned, with our own children typically happens around four years of age), your child will pass the stage for daily naps. Occasional naps may still be needed, but this child has mastered her own attitudes and isn’t crying out…
Naptime Matters.
Naptime. Quiet time. Siesta. 🙂 Call it what you want. But do not underestimate its importance for happy family life, particularly with kids about four and under. In actuality, this principle of setting aside certain hours of the day for the purpose of rest can serve any family of any age and any size. CHILDREN…
All The Posts Since the Beginning of Time
Since December 2013, I’ve written hundreds of articles to help moms like you find biblical, practical solutions for their homes, marriages, and families. Sometimes that makes it hard to navigate, and tough to find an old favorite post if all you remember is a phrase or general idea. So here’s the full list. The newest are…
Motherhood 101: The Class We Never Got
Instead of having a good idea of what motherhood entails, most of us learn the ropes of motherhood while we live it out. We’re already in the role by the time we realize we’re almost entirely unprepared for it. This often leads to stress and anxiety for new moms as they not only take on the hardest, most…