This was written sometime ago, TO a friend, after her incredibly stressful day, FROM me, in the middle of an incredibly stressful day of my own.

I don’t know if this will be encouraging to you… but I’m in the midst of our own 36 hours of seriously high levels of stress right now (the last 18 months have been no picnic) — but this thought is encouraging me at this very moment.
God is always doing millions and millions of things.
All at once.

I actually just made myself pull out this book of time we have for homeschooling– and while some wars/tragic things were happening in Greece, Egypt was in decline/silence, and Esther was alive. And she died not long before something entirely new (new kingdom/new direction) was going on in Ireland.
Just helps me to think…
the horrible things happen right alongside other amazing things.

And sometimes our vantage point only allows us to see the one thing.
But God is still at work in ways we don’t know or maybe can’t see. And He’s still the same.
He’s willing to work through us.
Us stupid, weak, human, depressive, discouraged, easily-angered, spiteful, petty, ridiculously illogical, foolish, wayward, judgmental, furious, excuse-making, seething, grumpy, lazy, wishy-washy sinners.

We don’t have guarantees about anyone else. I don’t even feel a guarantee about myself. But each day, minute… each second sometimes when I’m overwhelmed… I can choose to yield to the powerful God who has overseen it all and He still desires to work through stupid, weak, human, depressive… (etc) me. And the same is true for you.
(and sometimes I don’t yield, in the moment, or in the day… and He’s still gracious enough to keep loving me and pursuing me. I’m really thankful for the Lord. I am very unworthy of His love and pursuit.)

I love you, friend.
I’m sorry.
Oh how much I’m coming to hate the brokenness of this world. I’m starting to understand the “groaning” of all of creation, longing for redemption. I feel very sorrowful today and ready to see the New Heavens and New Earth with no more sorrows and no more disappointments or waiting or wondering who indeed is going to make it there.
Sometimes daily life can feel so heavy.
But He says His yoke is easy and His burden is light… I want to keep yoking myself to Him. I don’t know, and I don’t want to know, how we could “make it” without being yoked to Him.

So that was my letter to my friend, on our mutually-stressed-out day. As for you and I, here, today… our only opportunity is to keep turning to Him, and yoking ourselves to Him, as we work this field in front of us.
And somehow, by the blood of Christ, He promises:
He will redeem it all.