The messy kitchen. Recipes. Allergies. Calories. Food groups. Grocery store sales. Sometimes mealtime feels like a puzzle, and at other times it just feels a mundane, relentless task. Do you have trouble seeing mealtime as a ministry?
Listen in as Jess talks with Tracy Grossman about:
- finding sanity in the relentless train of hunger and meals
- how to have motivation in this culturally-devalued area of daily life
- what attitude can change meal preparation from mundane to ministry
This episode’s Quick Mom Verse:
“Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’” ~Matthew 28:18-20
Related article: 11 Ways Mothers Change the World
Tracy Grossman’s books:
- Simplified Breakfasts
- Simplified Lunches
- Simplified Daytimes: Breakfasts, Lunches, & Snacks (bundle of 3 books)
References, resources, & ideas from this episode:
- Ep. 10 w/ Mystie Winckler: Organize Your Home & Your Attitude
- Jess Connell: 13 Easy, Quick Meal Ideas (for the rough days)
- “I wish I could be involved in some mercy ministry. That would be more meaningful.”Ah, but you are. Mothers have so many opportunities to extend mercy that they all run together. What is a hot meal on the table but a huge mercy? What is a clean pair of socks but more mercy? What is changing a soiled diaper on a child who can’t even say, “Thanks, Mom” but mercy upon mercy? What is baking a pie to serve to your people but pure, undefiled mercy? I hope you get the idea. The mercy you extend to your family is very meaningful for them. You are blessing them. And once you determine to see it that way, you will find the blessing that is waiting for you in it as well.” ~from this article at Femina Girls
Jess Connell—
- website: jessconnell.com
- Follow/Like on Facebook
- “Top 25” most popular articles
- book: ONE THING: Top Tip (From a Mom of 6)
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