“OH my goodness, what a sweet squish ball you are! Can you say, ‘I’m a Pumpkinhead?’”
2-year-old Theo: “I a punkinhead.”
This short, silly encounter with my precious, repeat-anything son made me think.
As believers, we need to fervently repeat what our Father tells us, even when we don’t yet understand or have a clue what He’s really saying.
Because He knows us best, He gets to tell us who we are and what we’re to do.
- “God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you are able.”
- “Do all things without grumbling or questioning.”
- “Do not be anxious, for the Lord God knows what you need.”
- “Rejoice in the LORD always; again I say, rejoice!”
- “Count it all joy when you meet various trials.”
These things are are HARD to repeat. We don’t feel like repeating them. Maybe we don’t yet believe them. Maybe when we read things like this, we have no idea how what He’s saying could be true. Maybe we believe ourselves more than we believe Him. Maybe we outright doubt.
But part of being someone’s child is humbling ourselves, submitting ourselves, to the Father… it’s part of being in His family… part of being HIS.
The thing is, at some point, Theo is going to realize that he is not, in fact, a pumpkinhead. (The smile on his face makes me think he probably already knows this and sees it as a fun little game.) Not everything I say to him is infallible and eternally true.
But as God’s children, there is not a single moment in our lives where God’s Word will not be true.
- Even if everyone else is a liar, God is true.
- Every word of God is flawless.
- All Scripture is God-breathed, profitable for instruction, reproof, and correction.
If HE says, “rejoice always,” then, as His child, I tell myself “rejoice always”… even– especially– in the crappiest of circumstances.
As we mature and grow in our understanding of authority, Fatherhood, and truth, when we come up against Scripture in a place that battles what we believe to be true, we look for how what HE says is true. We look for ways to obey it. We repeat it to ourselves, even if we as of yet have no idea what we’re saying.
Because as His children, we know– if HE says I’m a pumpkinhead, “I a punkinhead.”
This morning I cried to God, ‘Do you even SEE me?’ Life feels way too hard lately. Too many things are not going the way I think they should. It feels like He is asking way too much of me. So once again, thank you for the word-in-season post.
Wonderful to hear! I’m thankful for the way God uses each of us to encourage others at just the right moments of life. He’s the great Weaver of hearts and truth. 🙂
Good word Jess!